Saturday, November 16, 2013

Everyone's Doing It!

My name is Kassie and I am 28. I have a lot to share and I thought that this would be the best way to do it!!

Well....where do I start?? I keep seeing on everyone's facebook that they are doing this 10 random facts about me thing so I will start there!
1) I am nutrition, clean eating, making my life easier obsessed.
2) I fall more in love with my boyfriend every single day.
3) I am terrified of success.
4) If you tell me I can't do something you better believe I will do it.
5) Peanut butter is my favorite thing on the planet.
6) I can't start my day without a cup of coffee. But only 1 that's it.
7) I would rather drink lemon water than anything else.
8) I love learning and finding ways to better my self.
9) I have major trust issues. If I let you in and tell you my story that is HUGE!
10) I never ever thought that I would be in the place in my life that I am in now. I am happy and content with how my life is going.
11) Just for fun.......... My little sister is my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. My grandma always used to by those one-cup containers of Jif peanut butter when I was little. When I would come to her house, I would always ask for "peanut butta and a poon". Still could eat it that way to this day. :)
